Past Events

Photo by Jean Baptiste Millot

Saturday, 3rd June, 20:30
Theatrum Anatomicum, De Waag
Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam

A Cleare Day: Bertrand Cuiller en Jord Homan

harpsichord and recitation

Op 3 juni 2023 biedt MouseEar u een reis aan naar het Engeland van Queen Elizabeth the First. Het gaat om een programma met klaviermuziek van de zogeheten virginalisten (een school van Engelse clavecinisten uit de late 16de en eerste helft van de 17de eeuw). Verder zal poëzie van Shakespeare en zijn tijdgenoten te beluisteren zijn. Uitvoerenden zijn de Franse clavecinist Bertrand Cuiller en de Nederlandse voordrachtskunstenaar Jord Homan. Cuiller blaast werken van o.a. Peter Philips, William Byrd en John Bull nieuw leven in op een zeer bijzonder instrument: een kopie van het clavecimbeldeel van een Engels claviorganum, dat in 1579 werd gebouwd door een Vlaamse immigrant in Engeland: Lodewijk Theeuwes. Het is vrijwel zeker dat William Byrd dit instrument gekend en bespeeld heeft. In afwisseling met de muziek draagt Homan teksten voor van o.a. Queen Elizabeth, Shakespeare, John Donne, Thomas Wyatt en Ben Johnson; hij doet dat in de originele Engelse uitspraak die van het moderne Engels zeer afwijkt, maar door uitgebreide studie vrij precies bekend is. Dit geeft de teksten een enorme directheid en levendigheid.

Photo by Ramon Kool

On June 3, 2023, MouseEar invites you on a journey to 16th-century England for an evening of music for harpsichord and poetry from Shakespeare and his coevals performed by French harpsichordist Bertrand Cuiller and performance artist Jord Homan. Cuiller’s programme features works by Peter Philips, William Byrd and John Bull, among others, who were members of the so-called “virginalists”, a school of English harpsichordists from the late 16th and early 17th century. He will perform on a copy of a harpsichord by Lodewijk Theeuwes (fl. ca. 1560—1585) that is part of a claviorganum (combination harpsichord-organ). Built in 1579, his claviorganum is the oldest extant example of such an instrument and was almost certainly known and played by William Byrd as demonstrated by Malcolm Rose.  Between the musical works, Homan will weave texts by Queen Elizabeth, Shakespeare, John Donne, Thomas Wyatt and Ben Johnson, performed in original pronunciation, that is, the manner in which current research suggests English was spoken in the 16th century (which, even for native speakers, is today almost unrecognisable!). Through their respective work in historically informed performance, Cuiller and Homan will introduce the listener to the musical and linguistic sound worlds of Elizabethan England. 

Tuesday, 11th April, 9:30 & 11:15

Assepoester en het Klavecimbel

Bernard Haitinkzaal, Conservatorium van Amsterdam
Oosterdokskade 151, 1011 DL Amsterdam

MouseEar richt zich op nieuwsgierige luisteraars van alle leeftijden – we willen de magie van historische klavierinstrumenten ook met de jongste luisteraars delen! Daarom geven wij onze ondersteuning aan een project van Aukje Zuidema, 4e jaars student Docent Muziek aan het Conservatorium van Amsterdam. Haar afstudeerproject, “Assepoester en het Klavecimbel”, presenteert het beminde sprookje met een muzikale twist: een klavecimbel, een virginaal, en een spinet spelen rollen in deze voorstelling voor kinderen! 

Op 11 april komen 70 kleuters naar het Conservatorium van Amsterdam om “Assepoester en het Klavecimbel” te ervaren. De kinderen zijn niet alleen toeschouwer, maar ook deelnemer in de muzikale vertelling, waarin zij liedjes zingen op barok-melodieën. De klavierinstrumenten worden bespeeld als soloinstrument en met een klein ensemble met traverso, barokviool en viola da gamba. Maar ook als begeleiding voor een zangeres, die Purcell’s “Shake the cloud from off your brow” zingt in een toepasselijke Nederlandse versie. De jonge luisteraars kunnen zo de veelzijdigheid van deze instrumenten en van barokmuziek beleven. Aan het eind van het concert krijgen zij zelfs de kans om even op een spinet te spelen, hoogstwaarschijnlijk hun eerste ervaring met een dergelijk instrument. 

MouseEar ondersteunt zowel het evenement alsook Aukje’s crowdfunding campagne bij het platform VoorDeKunst. Voor de uitvoering heeft zij €1500 nodig voor vergoedingen voor de musici en kosten voor materialen, zoals stoffen en kleine lichtjes, waarmee de kinderen een sterrenhemel uitbeelden. Als u haar wilt helpen met een bijdrage, neemt u dan een kijkje op haar informatieve pagina bij VoorDeKunst:

Mocht u deze voorstelling graag willen bijwonen, er zijn nog kaarten voor de voorstelling van 11:15 beschikbaar voor donaties van €25 of meer.

MouseEar is dedicated to the Curious Listener of all ages – part of our mission is also to share the magic of historical keyboard instruments with the youngest listeners. Thus, MouseEar is proud to support Aukje Zuidema, fourth-year music education student at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, with her final project: “Assepoester en het Klavecimbel” (Cinderella and the Harpsichord), a new take on the beloved fairy tale in which a harpsichord, virginal and a spinet play a role!

On 11 April, 70 young students will come to the Conservatorium to experience “Assepoester en het Klavecimbel”. They are not just the audience; they will participate as well, singing songs created for the project using Baroque melodies. The instruments will be heard in solo pieces as well as in combination with a small ensemble consisting of traverse flute, Baroque violin and viola da gamba and as accompaniment for a singer who will present Purcell’s “Shake the cloud from off your brow” in a version with Dutch text. The end of the concert, students will have the chance to play on a spinet, perhaps their first experience with these sorts of instruments.

MouseEar is also supporting Aukje’s crowdfunding campaign through Voor De Kunst. For this project, she needs €1500 for the musicians’ fees as well as material costs, such as the textiles and small lights that will be used to create a starry sky. If you would like to support this initiative with a donation, please visit the Voor De Kunst page:

If you would like to attend this performance, there are tickets available for the 11:15 performance for donations of €25 or more.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Photo by Marco Borggreve

Saturday, 26th November, 15:00
Singelkerk, Singel 452 1017 AW Amsterdam

Sunday, 27th November, 15:00
Huis Akerendam, Velserweg 20, 1942 LD Beverwijk

Joshua Cheatham & Skip Sempé

Viola da gamba and harpsichord

We sluiten het Seizoen 2022 eind november af met een Franse accent: Skip Sempé (klavecimbel) en Joshua Cheatham (viola da gamba) nemen de luisteraar mee op een excursie naar het 18e eeuwse Frankrijk met een programma van werken van o.a. Marais, Forqueray en Couperin. Geniet van zowel de prachtige combinatie van deze twee instruments alsook de wonderbaarlijke samenwerking tussen deze twee toptalenten uit de wereld van oude muziek. Het concert vindt plaats op 26 november in de Singelkerk te Amsterdam en op 27 november in de historische buitenplaats Akerendam te Beverwijk.

We close the 2022 season at the end of November with a French twist: Skip Sempé (harpsichord) and Joshua Cheatham (viola da gamba) guide the listener on an excursion to 18th-century France with a programme of works by Marais, Forqueray and Couperin, among others. While the gamba and harpsichord have a natural affinity for each other, the technical prowess and expressive capabilities of both Sempé and Cheatham make this a match truly made in heaven. The concert takes place on 26 November in the Singelkerk in Amsterdam and on 27 November in the historic Akerendam estate in Beverwijk.

Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th November
Orgelpark, Gerard Brandtstraat 26 1054 JK Amsterdam


Cristofori, Silbermann, Stein pianos

Op 12-13 november viert MouseEar de vele prachtige kleuren van de vroegste piano’s met een Pianoforte Extravaganza. Dit tweedaagse festival richt zich op kopieën van instrumenten van piano-pioniers Bartolomeo Cristofori, Gottfried Silbermann en Johann Andreas Stein. Dit mini-festival is hét moment om deze instrumenten diepgaand en uitgebreid te leren kennen. 

Behalve de instrumenten komt een fenomenale groep artiesten en gasten samen: Artem Belogurov, Menno van Delft, Olga Pashchenko, en Justin Taylor spelen drie concerten met een opvallende selectie van zowel solorepertoire als ook stukken voor vier handen en twee piano’s. Daarnaast zijn er lezingen door bouwers Kerstin Schwarz en Gerard Tuinman, die hun kennis over de instrumenten van Cristofori, Silbermann en Stein met ons delen. Musicoloog Michael Latcham zal de historische context van deze vroege piano’s bespreken. Pianostudenten hebben de mogelijkheid de instrumenten en de bijbehorende techniek te ontdekken tijdens masterclasses met Belogurov en Taylor. 

De Pianoforte Extravaganza vindt plaats in het OrgelPark te Amsterdam. Kaarten zijn beschikbaar op onze website voor zowel individuele evenementen alsook voor het gehele festival. 

On 12-13 November, MouseEar celebrates the many wonders of the earliest pianos with our Pianoforte Extravaganza. This two-day festival focuses on the instruments of the pioneering makers Bartolomeo Cristofori, Gottfried Silbermann and Johann Andreas Stein, whose instruments are only rarely heard on today’s concert stage. This mini-festival is the moment to explore and experience these pianos and their unique affordances.

In addition to this trio of instruments, the festival features a phenomenal line-up of guest artists and speakers. Artem Belogurov, Menno van Delft, Olga Pashchenko and Justin Taylor will perform three concerts with a striking array of both solo works as well as pieces for four hands and two pianos. Builders Kerstin Schwarz and Gerard Tuinman will offer insight into the art and craft of building Cristofori, Silbermann and Stein models, while musicologist Michael Latcham will place these instruments in their historical context. Piano students will have the opportunity to discover these pianos – and the technique required to play them – in masterclasses with Belogurov and Taylor.

The Pianoforte Extravaganza takes place at Orgelpark in Amsterdam. Tickets are available on our website for both individual events as well as for the entire festival. 

Saturday 12th November, 14:15
Olga Pashchenko

Saturday 12th November, 20:15
Justin Taylor

Saturday 12th November, 17:30
Menno van delft & Artem Belogurov

Saturday, 1st October, 20:00

Menno van Delft op clavichord in Dijkpoort Hattem

14e-eeuwse Dijkpoort van Hattem,
Dijkpoort 1, 8051 BM Hattem

Teder en jong, als werd het voorjaar 
Maar lichter nog, want zonder vruchtbegin,
Met dunne mist tussen de gele blaren
zet stil het herfstgetijde in.

”October”, M. Vasalis

Op 1 oktober dit jaar zet de herfst ook in met het zachte gefluister van een clavichord: MouseEar presenteert een intieme avond met Menno van Delft en twee clavichorden in de 14de eeuwse Dijkpoort te Hattem. Wereldwijd gewaardeerd voor zijn spel op dit bijzondere instrument, brengt Menno van Delft in dit concert klein en groot en oud en nieuw samen in een verrassend programma met muziek uit vier eeuwen. 

In zijn Syntagma Musicum (1614/20) beschreef Michael Praetorius een vier-octaafs, meervoudig gebonden clavichord met gesplitste boventoetsen, gestemd in de toendertijd gangbare middentoonsstemming; zich baserend op de afbeelding die Praetorius toevoegde, heeft de in Hamburg gevestigde bouwer Martin Kather een reconstructie gemaakt (2020). Met een zuivere en zeer heldere toon laat dit instrument horen hoe fijn klein kan zijn. 

In 1803 bouwde de firma Kraemer & Söhne in Göttingen een groot, ongebonden clavichord dat in Hattem naast de Praetorius zal staan. Met een omvang van meer dan vijf octaven en een klank vergelijkbaar met die van de fortepiano, laat dit clavichord horen en zien wat een enorme evolutie van het clavichord gedurende twee eeuwen heeft doorlopen. 

Menno van Delft speelt een programma met werken van Sweelinck en tijdgenoten; op de Kraemer klinken werken van Mozart, Reicha en Roderik de Man (Elongated Fingers, 2017). 

On 1 October in the 14th-century Dijkpoort Hattem, MouseEar welcomes the coming of autumn with the gentle whisperings of the clavichord as Menno van Delft presents a diverse array of works across four centuries on two very different instruments. Known worldwide as a clavichord specialist, in this concert, Van Delft brings large and small and old and new together in a striking programme featuring music spanning four centuries. 

In his Syntagma Musicum (1614/20), Michael Praetorius describes a four-octave, multi-fretted clavichord with split sharp keys that was tuned in the then-common meantone temperament. Based on this description and image, Hamburg-based builder Martin Kather made a reconstruction of this instrument in 2020. With its pure and clear tone, this instrument proves that great things can come in small packages. 

In 1803, the family firm Kraemer & Sons of Göttingen (DE) built a large, fretted clavichord that will stand next to the Praetorius in Hattem. With a compass of more than five octaves and a tone comparable to that of the fortepiano, this clavichord demonstrates the enormous evolution that the clavichord underwent over the two preceding centuries. 

Menno van Delft will play a programme featuring works of Sweelinck and his coevals on the Praetorius whilst the music of Mozart, Reicha and Roderick de Man (Elongated Fingers, 2017) will sound on the Kraemer. 

Cornelis Pronk - Buitenplaats Akerendam, 1756

Sunday, 19th June, 15:00


Tinka Pypker & Anders Muskens

Huis Akerendam, Velserweg 20, 1942 LD Beverwijk

De zomer is het seizoen van de liefde. Op 19 juni biedt MouseEar Concerts een programma van Liebeslieder voor tafelpiano en sopraan in de historische buitenplaats Akerendam in Beverwijk. in de intieme 18e eeuwse muzieksalon voeren Sopraan Tinka Pypker en pianist Anders Muskens werken uit van o.a. Beethoven, Mozart, en Domenico Corigliano. De luisteraar kan zich geheel verliezen in de klankwereld van deze periode - Muskens speelt op een originele tafelpiano, een piano in rechthoekige vorm (zoals een virginaal of clavichord). Het instrument is gebouwd door Kursch (Berlin, ca. 1825).

Summer is the season of love, and on 19 June, MouseEar Concerts presents Liebeslieder, a programme for square piano and soprano at the historic Akerendam estate in Beverwijk. Soprano Tinka Pypker and pianist Anders Muskens perform works by Beethoen, Mozart, and Domenico Corigliano, among others, in the intimate 18th-century music salon in Akerendam. To bring the listener deeper into the sound world of this period, Muskens will perform on an original square piano built by Kursch (Berlin, ca. 1825). Join us for this afternoon of love and song!

This concert is a collaboration between MouseEar and Fonds Sluyterman van Loo.

Saturday, 28th May, 16:00

Ariadne auf Naxos

Jörn Boysen & Musica Poetica

Huis met de Hoofden
Keizersgracht 123, 1015 CJ Amsterdam

Liefde, lotsbestemming, zielsverdriet: deze drie elementen van la condition humaine voeden het prachtige melodrama Ariadne auf Naxos van Georg Benda, uitgevoerd door Jörn Boysen en zijn ensemble Musica Poetica. Het melodrama — een combinatie van muziek en gesproken dialoog — was in de 18e en 19e eeuw zeer populair, maar raakte daarna in de vergetelheid. Op 28 mei blaast Musica Poetica het genre nieuw leven in. Een unieke gelegenheid om een van de mooiste en meest beroemde melodrama’s ooit gemaakt te beluisteren in de bijzondere ambiance van het historische huis van de Huis met de Hoofden.

Love, fate, and heartbreak — these three elements of la condition humaine converge in Georg Benda’s melodrama Ariadne auf Naxos, which will be brought to life by Jörn Boysen and his ensemble Musica Poetica. The melodrama — a combination of spoken dialogue and music — was a very popular genre in the 19th century but subsequently fell into obscurity. On May 28, Musica Poetica will breathe new life into the melodrama, a unique experience for our listeners that will only be heightened by the ambiance of Huis met de Hoofden.

Sunday, 29th May, 15:00

Ariadne auf Naxos

Jörn Boysen & Musica Poetica

Huis Akerendam, Velserweg 20, 1942 LD Beverwijk

Liefde, lotsbestemming, zielsverdriet: deze drie elementen van la condition humaine voeden het prachtige melodrama Ariadne auf Naxos van Georg Benda, uitgevoerd door Jörn Boysen en zijn ensemble Musica Poetica. Het melodrama — een combinatie van muziek en gesproken dialoog — was in de 18e en 19e eeuw zeer populair, maar raakte daarna in de vergetelheid. Op 29 mei blaast Musica Poetica het genre nieuw leven in. Een unieke gelegenheid om een van de mooiste en meest beroemde melodrama’s ooit gemaakt te beluisteren in de bijzondere ambiance van het historische huis van de buitenplaats Akerendam.

Love, fate, and heartbreak — these three elements of la condition humaine converge in Georg Benda’s melodrama Ariadne auf Naxos, which will be brought to life by Jörn Boysen and his ensemble Musica Poetica. The melodrama — a combination of spoken dialogue and music — was a very popular genre in the 19th century but subsequently fell into obscurity. On May 29, Musica Poetica will breathe new life into the melodrama, a unique experience for our listeners that will only be heightened by the ambiance of Akerendam. 

This concert is a collaboration between MouseEar and Fonds Sluyterman van Loo.

Photo by Joe Meijer

Saturday, 26th March, 16:00
Looiersgracht 60, 1016 VT Amsterdam

Sunday, 27th March, 16:00
The Grey Space in the Middle
Paviljoensgracht 20, 2512 BP Den Haag

Piccola musica notturna

Wesley Shen, harpsichord and Elisabeth Hetherington, soprano

Photo by Daniel Alexander Denino

Tijdens een lezing op Harvard University zei Luciano Berio: “Ik heb als doel met jullie enkele muzikale ervaringen te delen die ons uitnodigen onze verbinding met het verleden op te schorten of te herzien en ze als deel van een toekomstig traject te herontdekken.” Volgens Berio zou muziek geen “enorm, beschermend gebouw” zijn maar liever iets vloeibaar en wisselend. Op 26 en 27 maart komen het verleden, het heden en de toekomst samen in “Piccola musica notturna”, een programma met werken voor klavecimbel en sopraan uit het Italiaanse avant-garde uitgevoerd door de jonge talenten Wesley Shen en Elisabeth Hetherington. Shen, specialist in hedendaagse klavecimbelmuziek en lid van het ensemble Ugly Pug, en Hetherington, 2020 Dutch Classical Talent Award laureaat, brengen werken tot leven van Berio, Franco Donatoni, Salvatore Sciarrino, Camilo Togni en de in Amsterdam gevestigde componisten Michele Mazzini en Boris Bezemer.

Dit concert wordt in samenwerking met kunstgalerij Looiersgracht 60 gepresenteerd als deel van hun Archive Series. Op deze bijzondere locatie (een voormalige kartonfabriek en bottelarij) vermengen zich verschillende geschiedenissen (oude muziek, avant-garde stijl), en de muzikale meesters van de vroege 20e eeuw komen weer tot leven dankzij toptalenten van de 21e eeuw. Kaarten voor dit evenement kosten €10.

During a lecture at Harvard University, Luciano Berio said, “It is my intention to share with you some musical experiences that invite us to revise or suspend our relation with the past, and to rediscover it as part of a future trajectory.” He believed that music ought not be a “huge protective building” but instead something fluid and ever-changing. On 26 March, past, present, and future come together in “Piccola musica notturna”, a concert of works from the Italian avant garde performed by young talents Wesley Shen and Elisabeth Hetherington. Shen, a specialist in contemporary harpsichord music and member of the ensemble Ugly Pug, and Hetherington, recipient of the 2020 Dutch Classical Talent Award, present works of Berio, Franco Donatoni, Salvatore Sciarrino, Camilo Togni, and Amsterdam-based composers Michele Mazzini and Boris Bezemer.

This concert is presented in collaboration with art gallery Looiersgracht 60 as part of their Archive Series. In this extraordinary location (formerly a cardboard factory and bottling plant), various histories — early music and avant-gard style — come together, and the musical masters of the 20th century come to life through Shen and Hetherington, two top 21st-century talents. Tickets for this unforgettable event are €10 and are available now.


Saturday, 2nd October 2021, 20:00

Album release: Miscellanea

Artem Belogurov & Menno van Delft
organ, fortepiano, harpsichord

Kasteel Amerongen Drostestraat 20 3958 BK Amerongen

On 2 October in the magnificent Kasteel Amerongen, MouseEar founders Artem Belogurov and Menno van Delft will present selections from their new triple album, Miscellanea. This album features rarely heard gems from the keyboard-music collection of the late Christopher Hogwood performed on four original, historical instruments: a fortepiano by Zahler (1805), a Kraemer clavichord (1803), and the Kirckman harpsichord (1766) and Bätz house organ (1813) in the instrument collection at Amerongen. On 2 October, Belogurov and Van Delft will present a selection of works from the album on harpsichord, fortepiano, and organ, including solo works, pieces for four hands, and the spectacular Sonata in D major for two keyboards KV 448 by Mozart, which will be heard in the unique combination of harpsichord and fortepiano.

The Hogwood collection is a treasure trove of 18th- and 19th-century keyboard music, with an especial emphasis on music by lesser-known composers. Many of these pieces are not available in a modern edition or cannot be found online; thus, this evening will be a true voyage of discovery!



COVID-19 info:
The current measures make it possible to organize concerts in which two-thirds of the auditorium capacity is used. It is therefore mandatory for visitors aged 12 and over to present a corona admission ticket (proof of vaccination/testing/recovery) at the entrance. There is no need to keep a distance in the building, but we ask you to still wear a mouth mask when moving around in the building.

This means that it is possible that you will have to take a seat right next to other visitors. Since everyone in the auditorium has had to show the corona admission ticket, it is safe to sit directly next to other listeners.

This CD presentation is a collaboration between Kasteel Amerongen and MouseEar Concerts.

Woordbeeld groen.png

Photo by Noelia Nicolas

Photo by Noelia Nicolas

Sunday, 19th September 2021, 12:00, 14:00 & 16:00

Spielerei Trio

Augusta McKay Lodge, violin
Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde, cello
Artem Belogurov, fortepiano

Huis Akerendam, Velserweg 20, 1942 LD Beverwijk

MouseEar is back!

We are pleased to announce that the 2021-22 season of MouseEar Concerts is beginning in September with the Spielerei Trio in the historic Huis Akerendam in Beverwijk. On Sunday, 19 September, international artists Augusta McKay Lodge (violin), Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde (cello), and Artem Belogurov (fortepiano) will present a programme of trios by Haydn and Beethoven. The true star of the evening, however, might be the fortepiano: this copy of an instrument by Johann Andreas Stein has not one but two different actions, one with bare wooden hammers and the other with the more familiar felt-covered hammers. Both will be used during the course of the evening, giving listeners the unique chance to hear two different, 18th-century sound worlds in one concert.

This concert is a collaboration between MouseEar and Fonds Sluyterman van Loo.



Sunday, 13th December 2020, 13:00 & 17:00

À Amsterdam:Music published and written in 18th century Amsterdam

Aysha Wills, traverso
David Westcombe, traverso
Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde, cello
Artem Belogurov, harpsichord

Akerendam, Velserweg 20, 1942 LD Beverwijk

The scene is a warmly-lit house on the Grachtengordel in 18th-century Amsterdam: remnants of a hearty dinner remain on the table, but the guests have repaired to the salon, where the musicians among them have taken up their instruments or seated themselves before the harpsichord. As the musicians begin to play, you notice that the music was printed neither in London nor Leipzig but right here in Amsterdam.

This programme celebrates Amsterdam and its role as one of the main music-publishing centres in 18th-century Europe. Building on its success in book publishing in the previous century, Amsterdam became fertile ground for music as well: at one point in the 18th century, there were no fewer than 76 houses publishing music! Of special importance ar the firms of E. Roger and his daughter in the first half of the century and J. J. Hummel and J. Schmitt in the second half.

The music on this programme comes from the catalogues of these publishing firms. Among the most famous of Roger’s hundreds of publications are Corelli’s Concerti Grossi op. 6 and Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Hummel and Schmitt popularised the music of Haydn, Mozart, C.P.E. Bach, and scores of other galant and Classical composers of note, both in the Netherlands and in northern Europe.

We have selected a variety of chamber works published in Amsterdam — beautiful, intriguing, and well-crafted works by both composers living and working in Amsterdam and foreigners who found fame here through the publishing industry. 


Founded in 2018, Postscript features Aysha Wills and David Westcombe (traverso), Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde (violoncello), and Artem Belogurov (historical keyboards); this quartet aims to add their own “p.s.” to music composed in centuries past, approaching the music with both thoughtfulness and verve such that the works communicate with the same vibrancy as when they were first written.

This is concert is a co-production with Fonds Sluyterman van Loo

Fonds Sluyterman van Loo klein.jpg


COVID19 Info:

Please arrive no longer than 15 minutes before the concert starts. Don't forget to bring your masks as they are now required to wear inside in public spaces. Please check the latest government regulations here -


Saturday, 7th March 2020, 16:00


Goska Isphording, harpsichord and electronics

Looiersgracht 60, 1016 VT Amsterdam

On 7 March, MouseEar Concerts is proud to collaborate with Looiersgracht 60 to present new-music virtuoso Goska Isphording in a programme of contemporary music for harpsichord and electronics. Looiersgracht 60, an exhibition centre for art, design and architecture, offers its inspiring gallery spaces as a canvas against which technologies from the 15th and 21st centuries will combine to create a sonic landscape. The programme features works for harpsichord and electronics principally composed in the last two decades, including an interactive work by Yannis Kyriakides in which the audience controls the unfolding of the piece. Other featured composers include Peter Ablinger, Ton Bruynèl, Ewa Trebacz, Hugo Morales Murguia, and Kuba Krzewiński.

Goska Isphording enjoys an international performing career as soloist and chamber musician, having appeared at such festivals as Gaudeamus Week, ISCM World Music Days, and the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, among others. She is also active in commissioning new works for harpsichord, several of which will be performed on this concert. In addition to concertising, she teaches contemporary harpsichord technique at the Conservatory of Amsterdam.

Looiersgracht 60 & Archive Series

Throughout its history as a cardboard factory, beer bottling plant, and its current use as an exhibition space, Looiersgracht 60 has had many functions - all of which have left their trace on the building, inspiring the launch of the Archive Series. Stemming from Looiersgracht 60’s commitment to preservation and to promoting dialogue between the past and the present, the Archive Series events are unique, site-specific temporary installations investigating the theme of archiving, combined with theoretical talks and discussions with the artist. For the third edition of the Archive Series, Looiersgracht 60 is delighted to collaborate with MouseEar and present ‘Archive Event III: CLAVICEMBALO ASSIMILATO’.

Visit for more information
Tickets for this concert are FREE; please reserve your ticket via e-mail:

Photograph by Jean-Baptiste Millot

Photograph by Jean-Baptiste Millot

Thursday, 14th November 2019, 20:15

Bach at De Waag:
The Anatomy of genius

Pierre Hantaï, harpsichord

Theatrum Anatomicum, De Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam

In the 17th century, both medical professionals and the public at large were invited into the Anatomical Theatre in De Waag to delve deep into the mysteries of the human body. On 14 November 2019, the Theatre will once again become a space of experimentation, observation, and learning as harpsichord virtuoso Pierre Hantaï explores the anatomy of genius in an all-Bach program.

Built in 1691, the Anatomical Theatre was the site of public cadaver dissections as education in anatomy for surgeons and for the curiosity of the general public. Typically, the surgeons performed these dissections on the bodies of criminals, as depicted in Rembrandt’s famed painting, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp (De anatomische les van Dr. Nicolaes Tulp, 1632; Mauritshuis collection). A concert dedicated to the works of a single composer is, in a certain sense, also a dissection: the many layers of the composer’s work are made visible, offering the listener a more detailed and intricate look at the essence of the music.

Pierre Hantaï was inspired to take up the harpsichord by Gustav Leonhardt, with whom he later studied. Renowned not only for his technical brilliance but also for his “emotional eloquence” (Gramophone), Hantaï appears frequently on international stages as both a soloist, alongside his brothers (Marc, traverso; Jérôme, viol), and in such ensembles as La Petite Bands and Le Concert des Nations.

Image by Michele Ahin, license

Image by Michele Ahin, license

Friday, 29 March 2019, 19:15

Whispering nights

Menno van Delft, Dalyn Cook, Artem Belogurov, harpsichords & clavichords

David Mackor, lute

Embassy of the Free Mind Keizersgracht 123, 1015 CJ, Amsterdam

Six heads of gods and goddesses. Four brilliant musicians. Three clavichords. Two harpsichords. One lute.

One unforgettable event: Whispering Nights

On 29 March at 19h15 in the iconic Huis met de Hoofden, MouseEar concerts launches its first season with a celebration of early keyboards and their music. MouseEar founders Artem Belogurov and Menno van Delft will be joined by lutenist David Mackor and keyboardist Dalyn Cook in a house music experience like no other.

Built in 1622, the Huis met de Hoofden is known for the six ornamental heads adorning its façade. Legend has it that the six heads represented a band of thieves who had attempted to rob the residents of the house, but the heads in fact depict six Greek gods and goddesses: Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Mercurius, and Minerva.

The evening begins in the Grote Sael of the Huis met de Hoofden with music for two harpsichords; the house will then come alive with three different short programs for clavichords and lute performed simultaneously in three different rooms. The public - divided into small groups that will visit each room - will delight in the rare intimacy afforded by these combinations of instruments and spaces. The evening will draw to a close with all four musicians performing together.

“Whispering Nights” marks the premiere of the MouseEar concert series, which was established to explore both the rich history and exciting future of historical keyboard instruments in Amsterdam. This evening promises to take listeners where they have never been before. For lovers of early music and historical keyboards, it will be an old favourite made new; for newcomers to these instruments and repertoire, it will be an evening rich with discovery.